The Board of Directors of IPAC Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of James Ayukekbong PhD CIC® as Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Infection Control.
Dr. Ayukekbong will commence his term on January 1, 2021.
Dr. Ayukekbong holds a PhD in Medical Science/Epidemiology and Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC®). He is an active member of IPAC Canada and IPAC Northeastern Ontario. To date he has published 20 peer reviewed articles including commissioned reviews and editorials. Currently he is lead subject matter expert at Algonquin College and is a guest editor for the Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease and Medical Microbiology. Dr. Ayukekbong is the Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Southbridge Care Homes in Ontario. We welcome Dr. Ayukekbong to his new role with IPAC Canada.
The Board of Directors also gives its most profuse thanks to outgoing Editor-in-Chief, Victoria Williams. Her service to IPAC Canada and CJIC has been tireless. Managing the publication during the pandemic has been unprecedented and challenging. She will continue to mentor the incoming Editor-in-Chief through to the publication of the spring 2021 issue. Associate Editor, Devon Metcalf, will continue to provide assistance to the new Editor-in-Chief.